treatments offered

Fevronia has listed some of the benefits experienced from her treatments:
Relieves stress and tension – helps with headaches/migraines
Stimulates deep relaxation – encourages good quality sleep
improves/cleanses circulation/lymph – ie varicose veins and blood pressure
More energy
Maintains good health
Aids recovery from injuries
Balances hormones
Improves major illness
Helps Gastrointestinal complaints – ie. reflux, diarrhea, constipation
Alleviates Respiratory complaints
Improves allergies, hay fever, sinus
Relieves sore backs, necks, OOSE, frozen shoulder
Beneficial for ear and eye problems
Bladder and reproductive issues can be improved
Smoother, healthier skin

“Just about any body issues internal or external can be addressed and you will feel fantastic!”

EQUINE/ANIMAL and HUMAN BOWEN : A holistic series of light precise moves on specific points of the body (trigger points) to hydrate muscles, restore, energize, balance, detox, calm and ease pain. 
Frequent and important pauses between moves gives the body time to benefit from each. The moves stimulate energy flow, encouraging the body's natural ability to heal itself.  Bowen can be addressed to any injury or discomfit in the body i.e. sore backs, necks, shoulders, OOSE etc. 

ANIMAL NUTRITION : Fevronia offers nutritional advice for horses and animals acessing knowledge from her organic horituclture and Nauturopathic studies. 

REFLEXOLOGY: Restores the body to health through pressure techniques to the feet.  Areas in the hands and feet relate to corresponding body areas. Pressure applied to tense congested areas in a foot part encourages healing in those related body areas. Great for any body aches and pains, hormonal imbalances, circulation etc.

IRIDOLOGY ‘the mirror of our health and uniqueness’: Eye analysis through high power magnification. The iris is connected to every organ in the body by the brain and nervous system. Where the nervous system surfaces in the eyes different shapes, colours and patterns are created which gives us clues about our health. Iridology identifies body malfunctions, like genetic weakness and toxic levels. If left unchecked these will lead to illness and disease. It can aid: illness, energy, stress, hormones, gut complaints, respiratory issues, allergies, skin issues and pain.

Tests are available to confirm eye readings- blood type, thyroid, zinc and hair(for allergies).

Fevronia provides a wellness plan with Metagenics, which is practitioner range only. Metagenics deals with qualified practitioners providing a professional, quality service. The wellness plan recommends simple lifestyle, diet changes, supplements or herbs and homeopathy. 

Her past experience with gym instructing, aerobics and swimming teaching in Europe has made it possible for her to be a better therapist when dealing with sports injuries, stretches, exercises, maintaining fitness and weight.

MASSAGE: Massage has beneficial effects on the nervous, muscular system, and the circulation. Fevronia offers Sports, Therapeutic and Relaxing massage with essential oils in an oil base, which are mixed on site. They have therapeutic properties, that improve wellness and ease tension.

REIKI: Safe hands off therapy used to access a natural vibration energy, which promotes the healing process on all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). It balances the body.

DETOX MACHINE: Hands or feet are bathed in water with an electrode template. Harmless electrical currents pass into the Lymphatic system/blood, organs and the body. Toxins are drawn out through the skin, creating scum, debris, froth, and a change in water colour. The machine cleanses, can reduce pain, revitalize energy, balances and helps heal ailments.

EAR CLEANSING: An ancient American-Indian technique using Hopi candles. A hollow candle is placed gently in the outer ear and lit furtherest away from the ear. The candle creates warmth which melts and slowly sucks out wax, debris from the ears.
Then Fevronia syringes away the left over wax. Great for relieving pressure, pain, Tinnitus, glue ear, deafness, itchy ears due to wax build up, middle ear infections needing grommets etc.

ESCHAROTICS: A black herbal cream applied to melanomas, carcinomas, adenocarcinomas (breast lumps) and tumours. Used by the Hoxey clinic in Mexico for many years.